HHS Technology Group Earns NASPO ValuePoint Certification for Medicaid Third-Party Liability Systems
Designation helps state procurement officials select approved systems to modernize Medicaid Management Information Systems
Fort Lauderdale, FL,
Mar 17, 2022, 08:25 ET
HHS Technology Group, LLC™ (HTG) announced today that its Recover Your Liability® (RyL) solution has been certified by the National Association of State Procurement Officials’ ValuePoint contracting arm to automate third-party liability functions and integrate with other Medicaid Management Information System (MMIS) modules.
ValuePoint is the cooperative contracting arm of the National Association of State Procurement Officials (NASPO), a nonprofit organization that is comprised of the chief procurement officials of all 50 states, Washington, D.C., and U.S. territories, to promote public procurement throughout the country.
HTG’s receipt of NASPO third-party liability certification is consistent with the Company’s mission of partnering with state Medicaid agencies to overcome budgetary constraints with modular MMIS solutions that reduce costs without a commensurate decline in service levels for patients.
HTG has deep experience working with NASPO, as its provider data management platform, Discover your Provider®, is one of the group purchasing organization’s six certified solutions for provider management. These solutions are modular, highly configurable, cloud-based, and automate many of the manual work-around functions embedded within other legacy MMIS solutions.
HTG’s RyL solution supports activities from pre-payment cost avoidance to post-payment recovery. The RyL module is an easy-to-use management tool that marries its workflow to the MMIS. Data needed by staff are easily accessible via web services or interfaces for research, usage, updating, managing, accounting, and reporting. The web-based solution also makes it easier for staff to conduct their daily jobs, open and close cases, update data, enter collection information, manage liability workload, send letters, and obtain reports of their results.
Key features of the RyL solution include:
- Parameters to identify paid claims for tracking and potential recovery are entered online
- Data related to carriers, policies, and client coverage are accessible online, with extensive search capability
- Correspondence, such as letters and trauma questionnaires, can be generated via web pages
- Workflow component tracks all activity and correspondence related to a recovery case, from inception to final disposition
- Complies with all federal third-party liability and HIPAA requirements
“RyL is the only SaaS recovery platform that uses machine learning algorithms to identify pre-payment cost avoidance to post-payment recovery,” said Faiyaz Shikari, Chief Technology Officer, HTG. “The platform includes a self-service portal that enables employers to verify patients’ employment and insurance details, a carrier portal that allows health insurers to review claims identified for recovery and payment, and a member portal that enables citizens to update their demographic information. These tools enable third-party liability staff to function more efficiently in their roles and focus on improving collection rates.”
NASPO ValuePoint is dedicated to providing state chief procurement officers with the support and procurement resources they need to make informed decisions when evaluating vendors to replace obsolete information technology infrastructure with updated MMIS. By working with a cooperative purchasing organization, states leverage their spending through a single solicitation with the best value and superior contract terms. NASPO ValuePoint and its contractors focus on price, quality, reliability, warranties, and service, while protecting states’ interests with favorable terms and conditions.
To learn more about NASPO ValuePoint-certified third-party liability solutions, click here.
About HHS Technology Group, LLC
HHS Technology Group is a software and solutions company serving the needs of commercial enterprises and government agencies. HHS Tech Group delivers purpose-built, modular software products, solutions, custom development, and integration services for modernization and operation of systems that support a wide spectrum of business and government needs. For more information about HHS Technology Group, visit www.hhstechgroup.com.
Media Contact:
Brandon Glenn
Amendola Communications
(773) 450-8815